Good morning Everyone,
People will make idols or gods out of anything and everything: human, animal, mineral, a creation of their own imagination, or even themselves. There is one problem with all of these things that can not be over looked. The object which is being worshiped is subject to outside forces that will change it in some way, shape or form. In order for something to be worthy of worship it must be completely self-sufficient and unchangeable. This is the only kind of God who is worth worshiping; because, He is more powerful than you are and able to do all that you can not. I like the way God put it when He was speaking through His prophet, Isaiah.
To whom will you compare me or count me equal?
To whom will you liken me that we may me be compared?
Some pour out gold from their bags and weigh out silver on the scales;
they hire a goldsmith to make it into a god,
and they bow down and worship it.
They lift it to their shoulders and carry it;
they set it up in its place, and there it stands.
From that spot it cannot move.
Though one cries out to it, it does not answer;
it cannot save him from his troubles. (Isaiah 46:5-7, NIV)
God made it very clear to the Israelites from the beginning in the commandments He gave to them. They were not to have any other god’s before the Lord; and, no images were to be made of God (Exodus 20:3-6; Deuteronomy 5:7-10). All the other religions had their god’s represented by some type of image that they could see and touch. The problem was that these gods could then be manipulated and controlled by those who worshiped them. God, the Maker and Sustainer of all life, the only Living God, the Holy Trinity cannot be captured in an earthly image that is made by human hands.
Some have argued that we have
done just that with the paintings and drawings of Christ in our stained glass
sanctuaries, pictures hanging on the walls of our homes, and the crosses we
display everywhere. What makes one thing an idol and something else not? Anything
can be made to be an idol. An idol is something that you give first priority to
in your life over and above everything else. Your time, talents, money, and
affection are lavished on that one thing. All other things in your life will
suffer because of your total devotion to this one obsession in your life. That
is what God was talking about when He said about having no other gods before
Him. We must love God more than our own lives; everything about us must submit
to God in humble obedience (Deuteronomy 6:5; Matthew
We do not worship the images of Christ depicted in stained glass or make shrines out of the pictures hanging on our walls. Our hope must rest on the unchanging God who is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8). As God points out in the passage of Scripture above, we must set our hearts on the Incomparable One that has no equal and is able to protect, help, and save. This is the only God worthy of worship! Our lives must show our devotion to Him in the things that we say, do, and think.
Who is it that you worship? What receives the greatest and best of your attention and efforts? There is no one like God. If you would like to know Him better, start reading in the Gospel of John. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to grow into a deeper understanding of who He is as you read through this book. God is worth giving up everything for because He is our Everything.
Please remember to lift these concerns up to God in prayer:
-Norma Weber healing -Pam Starner healing -Dakota, Diana Fetrow’s grandson, healing -Salvation for lost
-Ginny Cressler healing -Evelyn Chilcote healing -Jean Lucas healing -Pete Reffner healing
-Traveling mercies for Pastor Phil & Donna -Disaster victims worldwide -Race car driver, Zar, healing
-Carolyn Witmer’s co-workers healing -Judy Saltsburg healing -Tim Sturr healing -Herman Stein healing
-Maddie Saltsburg surgery
-Safety for Kathy Smith’s relatives traveling in
-Greg’s dad healing -Daniel Wirth’s team mates peace
Please remember to praise God for:
-Mel Kauffman and JR Lucas’ remission of cancer -Having others ask you how to pray
-Kevin Haring’s new job -Power of prayer -Annette Failing healed of shingles -Blessings from God
-His work in our lives -Youth walking to raise support for Habitat for Humanity
-His Awesomeness
Pastor Tom